Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Mullah Crowder Issues A Fatwah

ACII has changed its front page. The videos and invitation to the lawyer symposium were moved to another page and in another example of ignorant arrogance, the Mullah Crowder is DEMANDING answers!

I know its hard to keep from laughing your ass off at these silly-ass people, but read on................

"Madame Elaine L. Chao Secretary of Labor,This is your responsibility to protect the health, safety, retirement security, of American workers. We demand your response now."

Don't the judges, politicians and even the Secretary of Labor realize they must answer to the Mullah Crowder? After all, she says she is "all contractors" (see previous post) - you MUST answer to her - or else......

It seems that by hanging around the blame KBR/Blackwater first crowd can hurt your chances in a lawsuit..... Perhaps the sue KBR crowd should have gone to a lawyer first and not the Mullah Crowder?