The below was posted by the Administrator of the ACII Sound off board. What IS unpreconditioning, anyway? This is supposed to be the "leader" of this litte group, too. Someone should tell her - spell check before you post!
I missed this part of math class, so the whole thing is pretty much lost on me.......
PTSD/ PreconditionedExample....Stairs built in America are plus or minus a 1/2" Your brian is Preconditioned to how high to pick your foot up. This is why you don't trip or fall down stairs without thinking."Preconditioned-so you don't have to think to walk up the stairs"Example two... Driving in IraqIf on a daily basis you are Preconditioned to swerve at anything in the road due to possiable IED's. Over a period of time your brian is Precondition so you don't even have to think about swerving to miss the object in the road. Now with that, would one think that if you are preconditioned in Iraq to think a certain way, that Unpreconditioning would need to be done to prevent an accident back home in America? Take this FACTs of the stairs and the math to other situations that exist in a WAR ZONE and figure out how PreConditioning might affect the way you live the rest of your life without the HELP of being UNCONDITIONED to it. IE...Driving in American after Iraq